
Dipl. - Ing.
Lars Kothes

Managing Director

How did I become a member of the kothes team?

After I had finished my degree, I spent four years working for a service provider as a technical editor and consultant. In December 2003 I decided to strike out on my own: I founded a company and named it kothes.

What do I like about my job?

The most exciting thing about my work as a managing director is that I get to shape the future of the company and, to a certain extent, the future of user information.

What are my professional goals at kothes?

To me, the most important thing about the future is that we as a company always do a good job and provide a safe haven for our employees. It is also very important to me that we keep evolving and creating innovation, so we can keep providing new perspectives and give our customers a competitive edge.

Read blog articles by Lars Kothes


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