
New white paper on the digital operating manual

Requirements and perspectives within the framework of the EU Machinery Regulation.

New white paper on the digital operating manual


Permitted in principle, but with restrictions – this would be one potential summary of what the statements set out in the new EU Machinery Regulation have to say about the digital operating manual. What specific requirements and restrictions do companies have to adapt to? And what do the innovations mean for the technical writing team?
We have taken a close look at the regulations and summarised the most important points in our white paper On the way to Digital Operating Instructions .
In it you will learn:

  • What requirements the Machinery Regulation places on digital operating manuals in detail.
  • What practical approaches result from this for manufacturers.
  • How you can realistically tackle your digital manual project.
  • What technical solutions exist and how you can correctly assess the costs and benefits.

Would you like to delve deeper into the topics of the Machinery Regulation and digital user information? You can download our white paper free of charge. 



Steffen Vorderstemann
Blog post Steffen Vorderstemann