
New white paper on the technical documentation of AI systems

How to implement the requirements of the AI Act.

New white paper on the technical documentation of AI systems


With the AI Act, the European Union has redefined the rules of the game for artificial intelligence. A central topic is technical documentation, which plays a key role in compliance, transparency and safety. What exactly does this mean for providers of AI systems?
In our new white paper "Technical documentation for AI systems - how to implement the requirements of the AI Act", you will find answers to the most important questions:

  • Risk classes and basic requirements: Which specifications apply to your system?
  • Focus on technical documentation: Why is it so important for compliance and trust?
  • Documentation made easy: What content is mandatory and how do you implement it?
  • From theory to practice: How can standards and best practices optimise your documentation process?

Are you ready for the AI Act?
Download the white paper now free of charge and find out how you can successfully master the new requirements.


The kothes team wish you an informative read and much success in putting your new insights into practice!

Steffen Vorderstemann
Blog post Steffen Vorderstemann