

Welcome to the kothes Blog

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Partnership between kothes and Paligo

Partnership between kothes and Paligo

Usability meets expertise: We integrate Paligo into our cooperation network.

Partnership between kothes and Empolis

Partnership between kothes and Empolis

We are expanding our cooperation network.

Competence Center Technical Information (CCTI) established

Competence Center Technical Information (CCTI) established

Platform for exchange and innovation in the field of technical information.

20 years of kothes

20 years of kothes

Past and future.

Partnership between kothes and gds

Partnership between kothes and gds

We are expanding our cooperation network.

Translation in Record Time for our Customer ATMOS MedizinTechnik

Translation in Record Time for our Customer ATMOS MedizinTechnik

An urgently needed translation for medical devices was completed in just 48 hours.

DETHIS – Design Thinking for Industrial Services

DETHIS – Design Thinking for Industrial Services

A successful research project comes to an end.

kothes Roadshow 2018

kothes Roadshow 2018

Theory Meets Practice.

kothes is a contributing member of the iiRDS consortium

kothes is a contributing member of the iiRDS consortium

Join in instead of just talking about it

Lecture at RWTH Aachen

Lecture at RWTH Aachen

We granted students an insight into the world of technical editing.

“Augmented documentation – implementing technical innovation in daily practice”

“Augmented documentation – implementing technical innovation in daily practice”

Professional article by kothes innovation manager Christopher Rechtien in “HMD Praxis”.